"A man who doesn't know the truth is just an idiot, but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a crook." - Bertolt Brecht |
The widespread internet debunking of the faked photo at right is of course an excellent development, but there's no reason to expect it to do much to slow down the morally bankrupt campaign to convince people who aren't paying close attention that there were large numbers of black Confederate soldiers fighting for the South. Up until one encounters this particular case, it is just barely possible to think that these attempts have been based merely in ignorance. But the painstaking analysis of this photo by Jerome Handler and Michael Tuite, upon which the general debunking is based, proves that blatant dishonesty is also involved.
Their paper,
"Retouching History: the Modern Falsification of a Civil War Photograph," should be read in full, but here's a brief summary of what they found. The historical photo upon which the forgery was built is of members of the 25th Regiment of United States Colored Troops, photographed in Philadelphia during the winter of 1862 and wearing U.S. Army regulation issue light blue wool overcoats. As you see, the coats show up as gray in a black-and-white photograph. Here's the original picture:
The close observer will detect the presence of their commanding officer, wearing what is indisputably a Union uniform, and will further notice that this officer has been cropped out of the "black Confederates" version. This is enough to settle the matter of dishonesty, but Handler and Tuite have more:
- The original photo was used as the basis for an 1864 poster recruiting black enlistments in the Union Army, further establishing its Northern provenance.
- The belt buckle of the soldier seventh from the left in the original photo (fifth from the left in the faked version) has "US" clearly marked on it. It has been obscured to the point of illegibility in the forgery. (I can't post the photos large enough to make this point clear, so that's another reason to see Handler and Tuite's article, where they can.)
- The caption superimposed on the cropped photo, "1st Louisiana Native Guard 1861," seems intended to be the clincher: hey, it must be the Louisiana Native Guard, it's printed right on the photo itself! But the technology to superimpose printing on photographs seems not to have existed in the 1860s. Also, their name is Guards, plural.
- Although the font of the caption seems vaguely old-fashioned enough to maybe be from the 19th Century, it is in fact a modern font called Algerian, designed in 1968 and standard equipment in some versions of Microsoft Word--therefore usable in Photoshop and other image-manipulation programs.
1864 Union recruiting poster based on the original photo |
I wrote some time ago about the case of
Silas Chandler, a Mississippi slave taken along to war when his master went into the Confederate army. The master's descendants had apparently grown up with family history that said the master had freed Silas the year before the war and the two of them had enlisted together and served in the same regiment. None of this turned out to be true: researchers on the PBS show
History Detectives dug up enough primary documentary evidence to make clear that Silas was never freed by his master and was in camp not as a soldier but as the property of a soldier. But I'm not aware of any reason to assume the master's descendants were consciously lying: most of us are willing to believe the family history we grew up with. There's no doubt with this case, though: this forgery was put up by people intent on doing a bad thing.
Among all the other things wrong with this, it's disrespectful to the actual Louisiana Native Guards, who were a Creole unit of the Louisiana state militia and nominally part of the Confederate army.
So, you might wonder, if the real Native Guards were even only technically part of the rebel army, why do neo-Confederates have to invent lies about them in order to make their case? Why not just point at the facts and say, "See? Black Confederates!" Well, the full facts don't do much to further the impression that neo-Confederates wish to convey, that blacks across the South actively supported the Confederate cause and were willing to fight for it in an army in which they were welcome.
Antebellum Louisiana was unique in that, as results of laws enacted under previous Spanish rule as well as immigration by French-speaking Caribbean blacks, it had a sizable population of free, property-owning people of color. As a U.S. territory and then in the early days of statehood, Louisiana gradually eliminated or eroded various rights of this group, but even so, many members of pre-war Louisiana's free black community had accumulated enough wealth that they owned good-sized plantations--and the slaves that were needed to run them.
From the Encyclopedia of Louisiana:
In Placquemines, Orleans, St. John the Baptist, Iberville, St. Landry, Pointe Coupee, Natchitoches, as well as other parishes free people of color entered the planter class, owning sugar and cotton plantations and more than twenty slaves. In some ways sugar planter Andrew Durnford, who owned St. Rosalie Plantation, in Placquemines Parish, was representative of this group. . . . By 1850 Andrew Durnford was listed as owning seventy slaves. He and other free black slave owners treated their own slave labor force in much the same manner as his white neighbors, buying, selling, and disciplining their human chattel.
To say the least, this is a group of pre-Civil War blacks with an atypical set of concerns. From a
different entry in the Encyclopedia, here's the career of the militia regiment they helped raise:
In April 1861, a group of influential free men of color met in New Orleans and formed a regiment called the Native Guards. . . . Historians disagree about the motivations of the men who raised this regiment. Some suggest that the Afro-Creole leaders acted out of fear, that they created the Native Guards to assuage the anxieties of those who saw free blacks as a dangerously disloyal population in the Confederacy. Other historians argue that the Native Guards reflected the economic and cultural ties black elites shared with their white counterparts. They contend that Afro-Creoles hoped that military volunteerism might earn them full citizenship in the Confederacy, something that was denied to them under the flag of the United States. A third assertion, far more dubious, made by neo-Confederate historians suggests that the Confederate Native Guards represent a kind of proof that the Civil War was not about slavery, or at the very least, that the Confederacy did not hew to the ideology of white supremacy.
Whatever the motivations of the Native Guard's leaders, neither the State of Louisiana nor the Confederate government in Richmond, Virginia, knew what to do with these black soldiers. Not until the loss of New Orleans was imminent were weapons issued to the Native Guards. With the Union Navy steaming up the Mississippi River toward New Orleans, Gen. Mansfield Lovell ordered the free black regiment to keep peace in the city while his rebel army plundered it of anything portable enough to take with them in their retreat. Left behind by their comrades, the Native Guards quietly dissolved as the Union Adm. David Farragut's squadron arrived at the levee on April 26, 1862.
Ultimately, the greatest contribution of these so-called "black Confederates" was that they served as the basis for a new, Union version of the Native Guards. In the summer of 1862, a delegation of its officers . . . met with Gen. Benjamin Butler in New Orleans to swear their loyalty to the Union and tender their services to the Army.
Their dissolution as a Confederate unit in April was actually their second. They had been forced to disband in February 1862 by the Louisiana State Legislature, which passed a comprehensive militia reorganization
statute, the first sentence of which limited militia enlistment to whites. But desperation is the mother of Confederate interest in black troops, so the governor ignored the law and called them back into service when
Farragut's ships entered the Mississippi in March.
Funeral procession of Andre Calloux,
Native Guards captain killed at Ft. Hudson
As Union soldiers, the Guards had a distinguished career, fighting alongside white troops at
Fort Hudson, where their skill and courage contributed to the country's change of mind about the suitability of blacks as soldiers.
Oh, and another reason neo-Confederates can't come up with a legit photo of the Native Guards proudly serving in gray: neither the Confederate Army nor the State of Louisiana ever provided the Guards with
uniforms. That's how seriously "black Confederates" were taken by real Confederates.